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A present for my

Spiritual Master

Sometimes in life you unexpectedly meet special people. People who inspire and motivate you to go new ways. Ways that open up new perspectives and help you to become a better person with better karma in the long run.

Exactly such a person is my spiritual master, whom I met about a year and a half ago. Some would call this coincidence, I think it is more than that. However, I am very grateful to have met this person, as he has awakened a fire in me and helped me overcome old obstacles.

As a small thank you, I made him this small mixed media illustration of Sivananda Saraswati, also known as Swami Sivananda, as he greatly appreciates his teachings and in turn was greatly influenced by him. The picture made him very happy and is now on his home altar – which in turn makes me very happy.

What can I say? Sometimes it is easy to make people happy – with selfless things that come from the heart. In this sense – thank you for everything Raghurama!